Compilations and Updates/Announcements....

Greetings all! I wanted to touch base and let you know I have a ton of stuff going on:

1. Compilations
First off, I am incredibly proud to be included in two fine compilations of music which you should check out~ not particularly because of my contributions, but because of the amazing people also featured in these collections.
here they are:

2. Bruce’s Couch

Last year I started a blog on this site, about music I love, especially music I would have shared with or had shared with me by my dear friend Bruce. Bruce died a year ago. Admittedly, I’ve had a really hard time with that and stepped away from writing that for a bit, but I have so many ideas for that part of the site~ I wanted to let you know that I’ll be returning to that sooner than later.

3. Upcoming Interviews

Tomorrow I’m putting together and releasing an interview with Erang. His devotion to imagination and his music are incredible and I’m honored to return with a new conversation, primarily focused on his new album.

I’ve also been far busier recently than it may appear. I have a lot to share with you. This month, in addition to the interview with Erang, I also have a short conversation checking in with Moth Electric, another friend of the site and a fantastic pedal creator. I also dive into the layered music of Onionville, whose food synth is amazing (they are in the Battle Synth compilation above, check them out). Finally, I have an interview with the Nameless Astronaut behind the project Thanaphos. The grief I was wrestling with last year definitely delayed the release of our conversation, but I’m super excited to share it with you. All of that will be released in the next couple of weeks.

In addition to that barrage of new articles coming your way, I am in the process of working on a number of interviews which are some of the most in depth works I’ve ever shared. I’m so blessed to have the chance to communicate with people on this level, it is so meaningful to me.

4. New Album on Relics of the Eternal City

I have an album that is being released at the end of the summer. I challenged myself to set aside the guitar and the synths for this one and created it with acoustic instruments filtered through my pedal collection. it is a continuation of the journey of the Celestial Minstrel and I’m really excited to put it out in the world.

I also have another two synth based albums made, which I’ll post this summer or possibly early fall on my bandcamp.